Internet oh internet....

Sebelum mantan PM kita nak kenalkan internet atau IT kepada rakyatnya ,banyak terdengar keluh kesah kerana takut teknologi dunia tanpa sempadan ini akan menghancurkan kita.

Teringat juga kata2 nasihatnya "kalau kita pergi sebelah yang tak elok kita dapat yang tak elok lah...."

Yang tak elok tu mestilah bahagian XXXXrated tu! tambahan pula itulah sumber paling terbaru dan terhangat yang kita boleh tenguk sepuas2nya tanpa bersusah payah keluar rumah.Maka kita terdengar lah cerita di sekolah pun ada guru2 nakal yang terlalu curious akan curi2 le laman tersebut.Waktu itu streamix belum keluar, untuk melanggan internet atau ISDN agak mahal...lebih mahal dari telefon bil.Ada yang cuba jimat buka satu jam satu hari dan ada yang bergaduh sebab bil melambung.

Kemudian setiap rumah di galakkan mempunyai sekurang2nya satu komputer seperti kita mempunyai Peti ais atau TV.Masaalah nya harga komputer waktu itu agak mahal jadi kerajaan benarkan membeli melalui wang simpanan EPF.

Kemudian timbul pula satu kegilaan berchatting. Dari yang tua hinggalah ke budak sekolah sampai ke larut2 malam berchatting di alam siber.Esok tu banyaklah kisah2 mangsa yang baru kenal melalui siber chatting kena rogol kerana terlalu percaya dan sampai ke tahap angaukan pada teman siber mereka.Yang berumah tangga pula asyik masuk kolum majalah yang cuba meleraikan masaalah pasangan gila berchatting hingga biar pasangan tidur sorang2.

Dan akhirnya kegilaan berblogging....

Sebenarnya saya cuma nak bercakap tentang pengaruh internet ni..banyak yang bagus tetapi ada juga yang tidak. Pengaruh buruk terlalu cepat menular di sebalik pengetahuan yang kita perolehi. Apabila blogging di perkenalkan , manusia mula menulis apa yang terlintas di fikiran mereka. Ia menjadi satu tempat meluah pemikiran dan perasaan mereka.

Apa yang menjadi rumitnya ia boleh di baca oleh semua orang dan boleh mempengaruhi pembaca.Saya bandingkan diri saya yang berblogging dan rajin membaca blog politik. Dan kini menjadi marah bila terbaca pasal Pak Lah dan menantunya.Katakan saya cuma membaca Surat Khabar sahaja dan saya menyokong apa yang di kata dan di lakukan oleh kerajaan kita apakah saya akan di marah oleh blogers lain dan menganggap saya dungu.Tambahan pula saya akan memarahi orang2 yang berdemonstrasi atas jalan dan mengaggap mereka tak ubah macam beruk.

Ia pernah berlaku kepada kita dahulu sewaktu reformasi dan kita berpuak2 dan bertengkar antara kawan dan saudara kita sendiri.Ia menjadi tegang kerana ada orang yang percaya dan ada yang tidak tentang perlakuan liwat oleh bekas menteri kita.

Kemudian saya bandingkan dengan teman2 saya yang langsung memilih tidak memperdulikan internet hanya sekadar membaca dan membalas e mail sahaja...mereka lebih aman dari saya.

Pengaruh blogers memang hebat...Bila BERSIH berdemonstrsi saya sokong demi satu keadilan, apabila HINDRAF pula berdemonstrasi saya juga sokong kalau ia menuntut lebih peluang pekerjaan di sediakan untuk mereka sebab saya mudah simpati dengan kumpulan minoriti.

Tetapi apabila saya terbaca surat Hindraf dan ada menyebut bahawa Melayu dan Islam di Malaysia itu GANAS dan cuba melenyapkan kuil dan sekali gus diri mereka....jadi saya cuma membandingkan mereka dengan ular yang berbisa tetapi mereka lebih BISA dari ULAR!Jadi untuk anoynamous yang panggil saya racist Ba***d jangan menipu diri sendiri and be true to yourself!


Unknown said…

I am a Malaysian citizen, and I am a subscriber of ASTRO Satellite TV Broadcast here in Malaysia. Recently I have subscribed to the ASTRO News Package which contains Al Jazeera and other foreign news media.

I was highly looking forward for the international news broadcast on all of the stations provided by the package when I had shocking news from our local news station claiming that the foreign news broadcasters are lying and making stories without properly acquiring the real facts and they are very good actors !!! Furthermore these claims were also made by our government's politicians.

Now, this is rather disturbing and disappointing for me as I have only subscribed for the service for just a few days and I'm being bombarded with such claims. This eventually made me to think:

Am I an IDIOT to subscribe, pay and end up watching acts and lies
Is there is any conspiracy going on here????

I clearly understand the fact that Al Jazeera has a strong principal called the Code of Ethics and you strictly follow it. But the claims by the politicians and local media here make me to think otherwise.

The claims below were broadcasted on 27-November-2007 in TV3 news station. Similar claims were also made in other local newscasters. This is just a few of the claims.

1. TV3 news station claimed that the foreign media cannot be trusted as they do not report the actual news.

2. YAB Datuk Sri Samy Velu claims that there were only 4,600 demonstrators on 25-November-2007 and NOT 50,000 or any other number as claimed by the foreign media.

3. TV3 news station said that the questions thrown at the Information Minister of Malaysia by Al Jazeera (Al Jazeera's name was mentioned) was to purposely create a scene to show that Malaysia is in kiosk situation and Al Jazeera purposely built up the story from the real one. They also mentioned the criticism made by the Information Minister to Al Jazeera.

(Prior to sending the mail, I did some research on the net and actually found the video clip of the above Interview in Youtube. And I actually laughed myself out listening to the reply given by our Minister. Pity him for his language. But in the Malaysian news channel TV3, they only provided the "CLEAN" version of the transcript and the actual call was not aired. This makes me even more confused!!! Who is telling the truth here???)

Now, if Al Jazeera is telling lies,

It is high time for Al Jazeera to review back their Code of Ethics and provide the truth for the people. If you can't do it then don't cheat the entire world. And don't broadcast your news at all. I am not a fool to keep paying for acts and lies.

And if Al Jazeera is NOT lying,

Well, what the heck. The damage has already been done. No one in Malaysia is going to listen to your news anyway due to the "VERY GOOD" publicity done by the Malaysian politicians and the local media. By the way, did I mention that our local media could also be received by our neighboring countries like Singapore and Thailand?


It is not my intension to insult Al Jazeera, other foreign media, our local media or the politicians. If you feel offended by this email, I sincerely apologize to you. Whatever the scenario is, all that I want (and the rest of Malaysian citizens who are in my situation want) is the truth. Since Al Jazeera's and other foreign media's names have been badly damaged here in Malaysia, Al Jazeera and the other foreign media's SHOULD do something to fix it back or you may start losing your viewer in Malaysia.(and its surrounding countries too)

I hope you could keep my details confidential and properly investigate on this issue (just in case if you don't trust me) and find out the real truth behind such a drastic claims made by our local media. That is if you still follow your Code of Ethics.

Yours truly,
A concerned viewer.

1. i am also forwarding this mail to other foreign media for their response.
2. i will be posting this transcript in the internet via blogs so that the viewers around the world will be aware that this matter has been brought to your attention and for them to express their views.
lina pencilbox said…

ada ke org labelkan makcik camtue?
sebenarnya dalam malaysia ni~
mmg racisme..everywhere racisme..
nampak jer macam unity~
anya topeng je mende2 camtu..
ingat cine nak tolong ke masa melayu susah..

jgn harap~

i think we should discuss it prsonally becoz it is sooo sensitive to discuss it here~
we will never know who will read our blog, aite



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