Buat Kueh

Biskut badam ,resepi dapat dari my fren ,Cikgu Mala. Very2 lemak and crispy.

Biskut cornflakes sira madu yang sangat mudah di buat.
Hmmm ....i called mak cik aka my step mother in law yesterday...just to ask apa khabar and asking if there was anything she wanted me to buy when balik kampung time.
So jawabnya nothing only the biscuits and the coffee cop TV ,her favourites. I told her that the biscuits ,i tak beli this year ,i made myself..
The reply was...
'Haaaaaaaa ,Noor Aini buat?'
Very2 difficult for me to explainla ....all this while i just bought the biscuits from the Sarawakian's cake shop in Kluang and brought back to her. This year the owner already moved somewhere else ,n i don't know where he is.But still you cannot say haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa to me. I can bake ,what!
I think i would snap some pictures of my cookies as a proof ok.Dah siap 4 jenis ,ingat nak tambah 2 jenis lagi dan cukuplah tu Puan Noor Aini ooi, bisik hati kepada nafsu.

But firstly i nak cakap pasal biskut almond london i yang terencat at the beginning. Next time i know ..cooking chocolate ada berbagai ...u kena tenguk bahan yang tertulis 100% chocolate butter. Itu yang betul kalau u baca ada lemak sayur le ,lemak tepu le, gula le, susu le...nak selamat jangan beli..nanti jadi macam saya bila di panas kan atas air didih dia akan berketul2...bila lama atas air gelegak dia akan keluarkan minyak yang banyak..and this minyak kalau kita buang dan biarkan sejuk dia jadi macam jelly. Bila chocolat masak ni beku, kata anak rasa macam gula icing je bukan rasa rich in chocolate.
But still sape2 yang lapar masih boleh makan.

Biskut London yang tak jadi sebab cooking chocolate nya tak bagus!
Nak almond london, biskut tart nenas tak buat ke? Buat lar sikit.